Building the Movement: Our Work to Date

By Dale R. Anglin

As we approach the first anniversary of Press Forward’s launch, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate our progress with a new Interim Report.

Press Forward’s launch was a call to action for more funders to join in and find ways to support the local news that strengthens our communities. We’re thrilled the call was heeded, that more money will be flowing to local news outlets, and wanted to share the following highlights:

  • Our funder coalition is growing – nearly tripling in numbers from 22 original funders to now 62 across the country;
  • Millions in funding are flowing – with an expected $100 million invested as part of Press Forward by September;
  • We are putting down roots nationwide – with 25 chapters now in 20+ states.

You can view the report now on our site.

Press Forward | Building the Movement: A Looks at Our Work to Date | An Interim Report

I joined Press Forward just a few months ago, and I am deeply grateful for the role our coalition members, in concert with The Miami Foundation, have played in our success. Thanks to their diligent work and unwavering commitment, we have been able to carry out our mission.

I am in awe of what this small, committed group achieved thanks to a shared vision, hard work, and unbridled enthusiasm. I’m thrilled to continue this work with you.

Dale R. Anglin, Director
Press Forward

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